Janet Menefy, Astrologer

Janet MenefyJanet Menefy is a practising astrologer with over 40 years of experience in New Zealand and Australia, backed by the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) Practitioner’s Diploma.

She is a current member of the Association of Professional Astrologers (since Jan 2006) and is an examiner on the Federation of Australian Astrologers Exam Board (since Jan 2023).

Janet is also an Accredited Astrology Teacher (AAT) and runs astrology classes as well as offering individual sessions in astrology and tarot. She is a co-creator of Astro Essences.

astro circleWhat is Circle Work?
Circle on the Floor is a contemporary method of working with the traditional Birth Chart which, in my experience, is a very apt reflection of the famous quote: "As it is Above, so it is below."

Laying out any Astrology Chart on the floor in a size that can be stepped into adds a dimension of direct experience to traditional perception and understanding, making the energies easier to recognise, for those people both inside and outside of the Circle. I currently offer Circle Work in individual sessions and Walk thru the Zodiac classes.
Janet Menefy

moondiary 2025

Iris Detenhoff's Moontime Diary 2025

This moon diary provides accurate, current planetary data for astrology lovers. Available for A$42 plus postage, from

For session enquiries and class schedules please contact me.